[Khương Nguyễn] Writing Practice Test 18370
Task 1

The graph below shows the proportion of four different materials that were recycled from 1982 to 2010 in a particular country.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.


The given diagram provides information about four distinct recycled substances in terms of percentages between 1982 and 2010 in a certain country.

Overvall, it can be observed from the graph that paper and cardboard was the most commonly recycled group while the opposite is true for plastics. Additionally, the recycling trends of all four types of materials experienced an upward trend to varying degree through out the given period.

As can be seen from the graph, in the starting year, among the two most frequently recycled materials types given, paper and cardboard’s rate of reprocessing was the superior with a disparity of about 15 percent compared to its runner-up. In the next four years the time frame, the rate of recycling for paper and cardboard and that of glass containers shared a similar fluctuating pattern until 1994, when they increased to 80 percent and reverted to 40 percent respectively. From this time onwards, the patterns of the two figures diverged significantly, with products made from paper and cardboard experiencing a decreasing rate of recycling while glassware items underwent an opposite trend. By the end of the period, the rate of recycled paper and cardboard goods was 70 percent which was 10 percent higher than that of containers made of glass.

In terms of alumininium canisters and plastics, the process of recycling for these two categories of materials were only recorded from 1986 and 1990 respectively. These two latecomers displayed an upward trend and it can be observed that alumininium-made containers were recycled at a significant higher rate than synthetic-polymer based goods. In 2010, the reprocessing rates of cans made from alumininium rosed from less than 10 percent to around 45 percent; that of plastic merchandises rose minimally, remaining just under 10 percent.

Task 2

Write about the following topic:

Learning English at school is often seen as more important than learning local languages. If these are not taught, many are at risk of dying out. 

In your opinion, is it important for everyone to learn English? Should we try to ensure the survival of local languages and, if so, how?


Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


In recent times, with the dawn of globalization, English usually finds itself the center of pedagogical debates. A paticularly controversial argument revolves around the idea that the value of English is regularly emphasized over the languages of locals which are at risk of disappearing if no efforts are made to perpetuate them. In my opinion, learning English is essenstial in the current age but it must be done without undermining the native tongues. In this essay, I will elaborate my reasonings and provide recommended measures to protect endangered languages.

It is a fact that English has established itself as an international language but learning it does not equate to the erasure of local vernaculars. This can be explained by the existence of bilingual and trilingual individuals who demonstrate the capability to be fluent in both English and their mother tongues. Following this logic, the benefits of learning English such as demolishing the Western-Oriental language barrier and gaining access to international information and knowledge can be experienced without sacrificing the longevity of aboriginal dialects. It stands to reason that everyone who wants to engage in international economics, educational and career opportunities should learn English.

The survival of a native language is intergral to the survival of the identity of its culture. While seemingly a herculean endeavor, the preservation of a local vernacular can be accomplished by a combination of individual and governmental efforts. In terms of what a person can do, the fundamental solution is to keep utilizing the local dialect throughout his or her life. A simple way to incorporate your mother tongue into one’s daily routine is house ruling, which has been proven by many Asian diasporas to be effective. The house rules in question are a set of principles that dictate the situations and occasions in which a family member are supposed to speak their local language. Taking a macro perspective, states ought to play a more active role in conserving national languages. The governments should incentivize local speech by funding and supporting recreational contents in the native tongues or faciliate free classes that teach these languages.

In conclusion, the preservation of a language native to an area should be supported by both the populous and governmental bodies. Additionally, doing so does not negates the importance of learning English and vice versa.

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Khương Nguyễn
06 Th9, 2024

Bài này mình viết còn sạn ngữ pháp và chính tả, có gì mình xin góp ý về word choice với mạch ý nha

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